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Jul 31, 2018

The FDA says that cancer risk associated with NDMA contained in impure valsartan is definitely real, but it is very low. Also today, drinking during pregnancy could impact cognition, sexual function counseling should start early, and those with HIV a develop more...

Jul 30, 2018

Almost half of the individuals diagnosed with melanoma in a free skin cancer screening program would otherwise not have gone to a doctor to have their skin examined. Also today, a new CMS proposal for hospital outpatient setting, heart failure is linked to HIV, and trial design is an issue in a promising Alzheimer’s...

Jul 27, 2018

An experimental agent slowed cognitive decline and cleared Alzheimer’s plaques. Can meteorology predict migraines? Why closing a patent foramen ovale is the right approach to prevent recurring ischemic stroke. And claims that cannabis relieves noncancer pain go up in...

Jul 26, 2018

Hypertension medications slashed mild cognitive impairment risk by 19% in the SPRINT MIND study. Updated HIV guidelines recommend immediate treatment, three-drug therapy. Early antidepressant therapy after a heart attack delivers benefits years later. And HIV infection could double a patient’s risk of...

Jul 25, 2018

Are omega-3 fatty acids' heart benefits just another fish tale? Why sustaining weight loss requires more than a bariatric procedure. How pregnancies and a longer span of reproductive years shape dementia risk. And physicians sound off on possible dramatic changes to how Medicare pays...